Meet the Board: Kai Koivuranta!

Meet the Board: Kai Koivuranta!

The latest in our Meet the Board series continues with Kai Koiventura, the EFRA Interim Treasurer, filling in for Jackie Aebi for 2024.

EFRA: Hi there, how are you? Hi!

Kai: So far good!

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EFRA: Can you tell us in no more than 5 words the job you do for EFRA…?

Kai: I’m the interim treasurer for EFRA

EFRA: And what’s the longer version of your EFRA role?

Kai: I have represented Sweden for 12 years at the EFRA AGM

EFRA: What is your favourite class of RC racing?

Kai: It’s 1:10 Offroad and 1:8 Offroad

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EFRA: So are you any good at racing?

Kai: Nope🤣 

EFRA: What is your proudest moment in RC?

Kai: For myself I don’t have anything really, but really all the Swedish winners at the Euros and Worlds make me proud….Maybe when I take in 900 tonnes of clay indoor to an ice hockey arena and built a track for Euros…

EFRA: Now, what can you tell us about you that we don’t already know?

Kai: I’m been president for regional motorsport in sweden, did work a lot with FIA and full-size motorsport. And still are racedirector for Rally Anderslöv with over 120 entry in Rally. President at my home club.  Mechanic in RallyX supercar lites for a woman driver.  And i did have Dallas as my secretary in the Swedish federation. Honorary member at Trelleborgs FF.

EFRA: And what is your favourite sport outside of RC?

Kai: Rally, RallyX and football

EFRA: What was the last music you listened to?

Kai: Metallica……😎

EFRA: What else do you do to relax?

Kai: ???? don’t understand the question😜 No it’s a lot of work and EFRA take some time for me. When i get anytime left i go watch football at my local club. The women’s team is in premier league and the men are in championship league in Sweden.

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EFRA: What advice would you give someone wanting to compete in an EFRA Euros for the first time?

Kai: Have fun and make some new friends. You will make it to finals anyways. When you have experience, you make the A-finals next time.

EFRA: How did you become involved in EFRA?

Kai: By the Swedish federation and with Dallas as my mentor.

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EFRA: And finally, what is the number 1 thing you would like to see in RC in Europe in the future?

Kai: EFRA works with FIA, and more young girls goes to Euros and start racing.

Click here to meet the rest of the EFRA Board!