T-Work’s have announced the release of new option parts for the XRAY XT4’25 1/10th electric truggy in the form of titanium turnbuckles, ball bearings, steel and titanium screws as well as an aluminium ball end set. The turnbuckles are machined from high-quality 64 grade titanium making them stronger yet lighter than the stock turnbuckles. The set includes seven turnbuckles and a 4mm wrench.
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Designed to provide a great combination between reduced drag and great durability, the new precision ball bearings are using rubber seals for a great protection against dust, and dirt on a side while the metal shields ensure low natural drag for high drivetrain efficiency on the other side. The set includes twenty two ball bearings.
T-Work’s also offer a new set of aluminium ball ends. The balls are made of high-quality 7075-T6 aluminium and come hard-coated for superior wear. In addition to being lightweight, they feature an ultra-smooth surface for smooth operation. The set includes ten ball ends.
Also new is a set of titanium UFO head screws. Machined from high-quality 64 grade titanium in order to lower the overall weight of the European off-road ride without sacrificing durability, the wide head allows to maintain sufficient contact surface area. The set includes 151 screws.
The new set of steel screws is made of high-quality steel. The screws feature a gold-plated coating to add bling to your ride. The set includes 151 standard head screws.
About T-Work’s: T-Work’s Products was established on August of 2008. We specialize in ultra high quality and precision CNC machining with a high level of expertise in advanced manufacturing and post processing techniques.
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