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T-Work’s IFB8 steel C/D block & aluminium steering post spacers

T-Work’s IFB8 steel C/D block & aluminium steering post spacers

T Works IFB8 steel C D block spacers

T-Work’s have introduced their new steel C/D block spacers and aluminium steering post spacers intended for use with the Infinity IFB8 1/8th nitro buggy. The new C/D block spacers are made of high-quality stainless steel to ensure that the spacer has good abrasion resistance and durability. The use of stainless steel also helps to keep up performance in fierce competition and optimize the handling and stability of the Japanese ride. They are of compact design so that they can be changed quickly. The new stainless steel C/D block spacers are available in pairs in two thicknesses options of 0.5mm and 1.0mm to meet different adjustment needs.

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T Works IFB8 aluminium steering post spacers
T-Work’s IFB8 steel C/D block & aluminium steering post spacers 1

The new steering post spacers are made of aluminum alloy with a special black anodizing process to enhance corrosion and abrasion resistance. Lightweight yet strong, they improve improve performance of the steering system.

About T-Work’s: T-Work’s Products was established on August of 2008. We specialize in ultra high quality and precision CNC machining with a high level of expertise in advanced manufacturing and post processing techniques.

The post T-Work’s IFB8 steel C/D block & aluminium steering post spacers appeared first on Circus RC News.

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