T-Work’s have added more option parts for the Infinity IFB8 1/8th nitro buggy in the form of radio tray posts, carbon fiber side guards and ball sets. Made of high-quality 7075-T6 aluminium, the new posts have been treated with a special black anodizing process for improved resistance to corrosion and wear. The use of aluminum adds extra rigidity so that the radio tray, electronics and battery remain perfectly stable and easy to fit. The set comes with five radio tray posts.
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Next up are the side guards. Molded from high-quality carbon fiber, the side guards offer reduced weight, with no change in handling characteristics. Plus, these side guards give your ride a factory look that cannot be matched by the stock parts. Package includes one left and one right side guards with eight screws, two washers, and two nuts.
T-Work’s also offer a new set of aluminium balls. The balls are made of high-quality 7075-T6 aluminium and come hard-coated for superior wear. In addition to being lightweight, they feature an ultra-smooth surface for smooth operation. The set of 22-pieces includes anti-roll bar balls, lower anti-roll bars balls, upper link balls, upper link inner balls, and steering balls.
About T-Work’s: T-Work’s Products was established on August of 2008. We specialize in ultra high quality and precision CNC machining with a high level of expertise in advanced manufacturing and post processing techniques.
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