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J&T NB48 series engine mount

J&T NB48 series engine mount

JT NB48 series engine mount

J&T have announced the release of their new engine mount intended for use with the Tekno RC NB48 series of 1/8th nitro vehicles. The new engine mount has the best features from all versions of the engine mount rolled up into one package! The V2 version has been beefed up and just looks a lot better. The mount also gives you the option to run the Tekno clutch or most other clutches on the market. This specific model had been designed to let the car flex more evenly on each side of the chassis. Choose from adjustable blocks (Fits stock Tekno clutch and most aftermarket 3 shoe clutches), or single blocks (Fits Protek/J&T 4 shoe clutches). The set also includes spacer for fuel tank.

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Source: J&T Bearing Company

The post J&T NB48 series engine mount appeared first on Circus RC News.

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