US frontrunner Jared Wiggins has announced the release of their new brake springs for the Tekno RC NB48 series of 1/8th nitro buggies. Before, Jared used fuel tubing or O-rings to adjust his braking. He used to use 10mm of fuel tubing on the linkage as it was smoother than using O-rings. But the problem with the fuel line was the initial brake didn’t come in until very close to lockup. These brake springs fit the linkage properly and always remain centered on the link. To optimize spring use and to get the smoothest brake feel, here’s what Jared advises you to do:
- Sand the black coating off the discs. When building a new kit or installing new rotors it’s good to sand the black coating as the disc isn’t as grabby in the pad. (Any kind of sandpaper works as long as the rotor remains smooth) While the black coating wears off during normal use it can get onto the pads and we have found the pads don’t grab as smoothly afterwards.
- Aim to set your EPA low with a tighter set linkage. The best brake feel happens with the least travel in the throttle linkage. This means you want to have the linkage set close to dragging the brakes at neutral and then back them off a bit. The higher EPA you use for the same amount of overall brake strength on the track the later your brakes will engage, giving a poor initial brake feeling. For reference, the EPA setting Jared uses generally hovers between 30 and 35%.
These brake springs are available every time you meet Jared at the track, but you can also order them via Facebook Messenger. However the number of orders is so big that they won’t be available again before the World Championships.
Source: Jared Wiggins
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