T-Work’s S35-4 Evo front hub weight system

T-Work’s S35-4 Evo front hub weight system

T-Work’s have announced the release of their new front hub weight system intended for use with the SWORKz S35-4 Evo 1/8th nitro buggy and S35e-4 Evo 1/8th E-buggy. The new front hub weight system is designed to optimize the steering response during throttle and deceleration. [wartelleshop_button url=”https://www.wartelle-shop.com/boutique/recherche_resultats.cfm?tri=&ordre=&triage=0&marque_nav=541&rayon_nav=-1&gamme_nav=0&prix_min=&prix_max=&mot=”] [rcteam_button url=”https://www.rcteam.fr/recherche?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=t-works&submit_search=”] The front hub weight system consists […]

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