1/8th Nitro Buggy, 2024 IFMAR 1/8th Nitro Buggy World Championship, Driver news, Jonah Wilson, Races, Reports

2024 IFMAR 1/8th nitro buggy world championship – Driver focus: Jonah Wilson

2024 IFMAR 1/8th nitro buggy world championship – Driver focus: Jonah Wilson

K5A5071 scaled

  • Hi, would you please introduce yourself.

My name is Jonah Wilson I’m 17 years old from Knoxville Tennessee. I’m a senior in highschool.

  • What are your best achievements so far?

Some of my best achievements so far are making the nitro buggy final at Silver State. And also getting TQ and finishing 3rd in E-buggy at PNB.

  • The worlds are a special race. What do you expect from this event?

Honestly I just expect to learn a lot at the worlds. The surface is unlike anything I’ve ever raced on and it’s a learning experience.

  • Your favorite type of track?

My favorite type of track is a looser and rougher track like Silver State, I enjoy having to get creative and pick different lines.

  • Have you any other interests other than RC?

Other than RC I really enjoy watching sports and keeping up with my favorite teams.

Thanks Jonah!

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